Create a random password

Generate and save free passwords
Click the boxes below to indicate what type of characters you would like to include in your password. Because it's easy to confuse certain kinds of symbols, we exclude the number 0, capital O, the number 1, the letter l, capital I, and the | (pipe).
Lower case letters (small letters a-z) Capital letters (A-Z)
Numbers (digits 2-9) Special characters (~!@#$%^&*()_+-=\[]{};:,./<>?)
Length of password (minimum length is 6 characters; many Web services require 8 or more)

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Optional: Save Your Password
If you choose, you can also save your password. Other than a password, you can type or paste anything in the box above and save it (up to 140 characters)! The site recognizes you using cookies (tiny bits of text stored in your browser) and by IP address (your current IP is If you save your information and the site recognizes you, the next time you visit you should see a "Retrieve my password!" button in the space below. You can save multiple passwords or bits of information (phone numbers, addresses, etc.) if you want.

Note 1: Don't use this option if you are on a public computer (such as at a library), or on any device that is used by people that you wouldn't want to access your password!
Note 2: The site will no longer be able to identify you and retrieve your password if you delete your cookies, switch computers, or view this page from a different computer network! This is a free service, and because the identification process can be affected by factors that aren't in our control we're not responsible if you happen to lose an important password.
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